Dinesh is from Sandhikharkha, Nepal. It is a community that lies west of Kathmandu and is surrounded by hills with 3 rivers running through the valley. When Dinesh was 14 years old (back in 2013) he was an ambitious student who loved the trees and wildlife around Sandhikharkha. He had big dreams for his future, but his parents could not afford to give him a quality education. Dinesh’s schooling was initially delayed because as peasant farmers earning less than $1000 annually, his parents were unable to pay the fees. His family shared a small home consisting of 2 rooms and a tiny kitchen with other relatives – 9 people in all. But once Dinesh’s formal education began, he excelled!
The Stier family (beginning with daughter, Hannah, and then parents, Jim & Nancy) stepped up to sponsor Dinesh and pay for his education. Dinesh worked very hard in school and was an excellent student, always earning top grades in the highest category of “Distinction.” Eleven years later, Dinesh graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Forestry from the Institute of Forestry in Pokhara, Nepal. Dinesh’s final research project was on “Life in Chaos: Nesting Habitat Preference of Birds in Urban Rural Gradients of Kathmandu Valley.” With help from the Stiers and another outside grant, Dinesh moved to Kathmandu for 5 months to complete his field research. He was so successful, he was selected and provided funds to attend the North American Ornithological Association Conference in London, Ontario in August 2023. His proud sponsors, Jim & Nancy Stier, made the trip to hear Dinesh present his findings and said his presentation was very well received.