Swostika today (far right) with her sister and parents

Swostika was 13 and in the 8th grade in 2013 when she made a remarkable impression on the ANSWER Nepal staff. They were awed by her knowledge of history, particularly the details she knew about the Greek philosopher Plato, as well as her understanding of geography far above the norm, and her incredible math skills! Even though her father had only a 5th grade education, he was determined Swostika and her sister would receive a quality education.

In addition to being an impressive student, Swostika involved herself in other activities with ANSWER as well. She has been an active member of the ANSWER Alumni Association (AAA), which provides opportunities for high school graduates to engage in community activities, team building, and networking. In the photo above, Swostika is helping build an Earth Bag home for another ANSWER student’s family after the devastating 2015 earthquakes. In the photo below, she is performing a traditional dance with other ANSWER students for a Deusi Bhailo program during a Tihar festival.

Swostika, who was sponsored by Bill and Carol Roach, has continued to impress ANSWER and her sponsors with her academic excellence throughout high school and university. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu with a 3.81 GPA in 2022. She will complete her master’s degree in Business Studies in 2025.

In addition to going to school, Swostika has gained valuable experience by working first as an accountant with a private company for over a year and then as an Assistant Trainee with Nabil Bank for a year. In November 2024, she was promoted to Assistant at the bank and is enjoying her challenging career. Her parents could not be prouder of Swostika and all she has accomplished!